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EU Technology Consortium Commits to Tackling 6G ESG Concerns

Major organizations have joined forces to roll out an initiative focused on lessening the environmental impact of 6G mobile systems. The organizations, through a consortium dubbed EXIGENCE, hope to address the rising environmental toll of digital devices. The project will focus on optimizing service provision, measuring the consumption of energy, and encouraging behavioral changes among … Continue reading “EU Technology Consortium Commits to Tackling 6G ESG Concerns”


ESGBreaks – Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. (TSX.V: BAY) (OTCQB: ATBHF) Positioned as Copper Is Key in Modern Technology

Aston Bay (TSX.V: BAY) (OTCQB: ATBHF) is a pivotal company in the endeavor to ensure a consistent and ecologically responsible supply of copper. This comes as the global community intensifies its commitment to sustainability, which is driving a surging demand for copper and other essential resources. “Copper’s unique properties, including its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, … Continue reading “ESGBreaks – Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. (TSX.V: BAY) (OTCQB: ATBHF) Positioned as Copper Is Key in Modern Technology”

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ESGWireNews is your source for up-to-date information and actionable intelligence on public companies committed to sustainable corporate practices. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a key factor in the strategies of roughly 95% of the S&P 500, and we’re committed to uncovering the emerging growth companies following their lead.

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