FridayMar 31, 2023 10:30 am

GeoSolar Technologies Inc. Seeks to Combine Green Power of Solar and Geothermal To Help Homeowners Toward Energy Independence Amid Current Energy and Climate Crisis

Renewables, such as wind and solar, are on the rise as the need for a secure and independent energy system gains urgency amid the ongoing energy and climate crisis. Recently, another sustainable green energy source has started to gain traction – geothermal With the core as hot as the surface of the sun, experts say that this natural heat of the Earth is a powerhouse to be tapped into as it can serve as a triple resource – for power, as a long-duration storage, and as a mineral With its SmartGreen(TM) Home system, GeoSolar seeks to combine solar and geothermal…

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FridayMar 31, 2023 9:45 am

EverGen Infrastructure Corp. (TSX.V: EVGN) (OTCQX: EVGIF) Gears up as Renewable Energy Grows Its Stake in Energy Supply Mix

Unlike fossil fuels, renewables are on the rise as climate and energy crises accelerate and countries rush to implement a range of policy responses Among renewable energy sources, biogas, also called renewable natural gas, solves for two modern challenges – bloated landfills and the need for rapid decarbonization EverGen emerges as a leader committed to powering a sustainable, net-zero future by tapping into the power of organic waste to electrify homes and vehicles using biogas The energy sector seems to be at a crossroads: on one side, there are renewables – an emerging green energy sector such as solar, wind,…

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ThursdayMar 30, 2023 10:30 am

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX.V: UCU) (OTCQX: UURAF) CEO Talks About RapidSX(TM), Commercial Plant Timeline in Interview with Goldinvest’s Managing Director at PDAC 2023

Strained Sino-U.S. relations make it more important than ever for North America to explore options for procuring rare earth element (“REE”) and rare earth oxide (“REO”) resources Ucore has positioned itself to fulfill North America's unmet REE, and REO needs through its RapidSX(TM) demonstration plant and future commercial production plants Ucore’s first commercial production plant is already being engineered to ramp up for customers, located in Louisiana, with two additional plants in the pipeline With China's attitude toward developing a healthy, stable, and constructive Sino-U.S. relationship unchanged, it has become imperative for North America to consider options for procuring rare…

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TuesdayMar 28, 2023 10:30 am

Coyuchi Inc., The Gold Standard in Sustainable and Organic Luxury Products, Including Baby Items Made From 100% Cotton Materials

Coyuchi guarantees the highest environmental and ethical standards through a number of certifications, such as The Global Organic Textile Standard (“GOTS”), Fair Trade Certified, and MADE SAFE(R) The global organic bedding market was valued at $836.4 million in 2020 and is expected to reach $1.1 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% Coyuchi was built on foundational pillars, all successfully molded into a proven and effective marketing strategy, earning Coyuchi $33.3 million in net sales during 2021 with a 35% average customer repeat rate Coyuchi, the gold standard in sustainable luxury home goods, is best known for using…

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TuesdayMar 28, 2023 9:00 am

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX.V: UCU) (OTCQX: UURAF) Completes Successful First Stage of Proprietary REE Process at Canadian Demo Plant

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. is a Canada-headquartered company passionate about strengthening North America’s rare earth element (“REE”) supply chain to reduce reliance on potentially adversarial foreign nations Rare earths play small but critical roles in high-tech products, such as in making up permanent magnets that are resistant to heat from high capacity electronic products Only one mine in California provides a domestic supply of REEs to the United States, which has netted it strategic financial support from the Pentagon Ucore recently completed the first stage of demonstrating its proprietary RapidSX(TM) solvent extraction process for improving REE production, inviting dozens of…

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MondayMar 27, 2023 10:30 am

Answer to Global Warming Isn’t Always Cars, It’s Trash and EverGen Infrastructure Corp. (TSX.V: EVGN) (OTCQX: EVGIF) Has a Solution

Food waste contributed 9.3 billion metric tons of CO2-equivalent emissions in 2017, an amount equal to the total emission from the U.S. and E.U. that year EverGen Infrastructure is a leading independent renewable energy producer with operations and a platform for converting organic waste in green energy and products EverGen’s Sea to Sky Soils signed waste processing contracts with a B.C. regional district, an important step towards a goal of processing 300,000 tons of organic waste per annum in the region There is finger pointing everywhere to single-out culprits in climate change, and exhaust-spewing fossil fuel-powered cars are an easy…

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FridayMar 24, 2023 10:30 am

Textiles Industry Experience, Commitment to Sustainability Key to Bed & Bath Brand Developer Coyuchi Inc.’s Success

California-based sustainable bed and bath comfort brand Coyuchi Inc. has established its brand not only on the luxury of its products, but the organic sourcing of the textiles it uses Consumers increasingly are scrutinizing the sourcing of their home decor products in search of evidence they are friendly to earth’s climate and responsibly produced Coyuchi’s management team brings experience in corporate function and an enthusiasm for sustainability in the company’s sourcing and partnerships The company launched a Reg A+ investment offering last year that led to a capital raise topping $1 million One significant driver in choosing fabrics for home…

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ThursdayMar 23, 2023 9:45 am

McEwen Mining Inc.’s (NYSE: MUX) (TSX: MUX) 52%-Owned McEwen Copper Releases ‘Exciting Results’ from Los Azules Copper Project Revealing Continuity of Mineralization

McEwen Mining, a diversified gold and silver producer with operations in the Americas, owns 52% of McEwen Copper and its Los Azules Project in San Juan, Argentina McEwen Copper has reported initial exploration and solid delineation results that have similarities to world class porphyry copper deposits in Chile and Peru Exploration results (AZ22174) include 1,052 m of continuous copper mineralization to the end of the hole implying extensions of the deposit to the north and at depth Delineation results (AZ23191) revealed copper continuity in the core of the deposit, with some of the highest grades reported to date McEwen Copper…

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ThursdayMar 23, 2023 9:00 am

Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX.V: UCU) (OTCQX: UURAF) – Leveraging Strategic Partnerships and Advanced Processing Technology to Disrupt China’s Dominance in Critical REE Space

Ucore is a company engaged in the exploration for and separation and scalable production of REEs in Canada and the US The company is focusing on a section of the REE supply chain where China has taken control of rare earth oxide production: the midstream Ucore is focused on finding US-allied friendly feedstocks upstream, processing them, and then feeding them to customers downstream that want to find an ex-China solution to be able to make things work for them The company’s RapidSX is a more competitive REE processing technology that improves the efficiency of the conventional solvent extraction process, resulting…

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MondayMar 20, 2023 11:15 am

GeoSolar Technologies Inc. Seeks to Curtail Household Emissions as IEA Announces Greenhouse Gas Output Hits Record High in 2022

A recent report published by the IEA revealed that global carbon emissions rose by 0.9% YoY in 2022, hitting a record 36.8 gigatons With households accounting for 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions, GeoSolar Technologies has focused on building out renewable energy solutions for homes U.S. households have been slow to adopt renewable energy. As of 2020, only 3.7% of U.S. households derived their electricity from solar energy versus nearly 33% in Australia The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) in the U.S. will seek to augment that figure in the U.S., with homeowners able to benefit from an array…

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